Sunday, March 22, 2009


We've been working through a unit on coral reefs at school. We made this cute little fish project earlier in the week. Each student needed 2 CDs in order to make their project so I sent out a letter about a week ago requesting garbage CDs to be sent in. Apparently someone took that as an invitation to clean out their John Cougar Mellencamp collection. I must have had 5 or 6 come in. It made me laugh outloud. Once they were made I had the fun job of hanging everything up from the ceiling. This is easier said than done for a teacher who is only 5'2" on a tall day. I could only find one table in the room that was tall enough for me to stretch to my limits and reach the ceiling. So I pushed that table all around the room until the job was done. The finished project looks great; I only hope the novelty of going to school "under the sea" wears off next week. Kids were holding their breath (because they were under water, apparently) and mesmerized by the fish swimming over head. Silly first graders...


Russ and Karla Patterson said...

You have some wonderful ideas!!

Anonymous said...

I love the imagination!!